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  1.  44
    Questionable Agreement: The Experience of Depression and DSM-5 Major Depressive Disorder Criteria.Abraham M. Nussbaum - 2020 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 45 (6):623-643.
    Immediately before the release of DSM-5, a group of psychiatric thought leaders published the results of field tests of DSM-5 diagnostic criteria. They characterized the interrater reliability for diagnosing major depressive disorder by two trained mental health practitioners as of “questionable agreement.” These field tests confirmed an open secret among psychiatrists that our current diagnostic criteria for diagnosing major depressive disorder are unreliable and neglect essential experiences of persons in depressive episodes. Alternative diagnostic criteria exist, but psychiatrists rarely encounter them, (...)
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    The Wayback Machine.Abraham M. Nussbaum - 2022 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 65 (3):484-498.
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    The worthless remains of a physician’s calling: Max Weber, William Osler, and the last virtue of physicians.Abraham M. Nussbaum - 2018 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 39 (6):419-429.
    On the centenary of Max Weber’s “Science as a Vocation,” his essay still performs interpretative work. In it, Weber argues that the vocation of a scientist is to produce specialized, rationalized knowledge that will be superseded. Weber says this vocation is a rationalized version of the Protestant conception of calling or vocation (Beruf), tragically disenchanting the world and leaving the idea of calling as a worthless remains (caput mortuum). A similar trajectory can be seen in the physician William Osler’s writings, (...)
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    Alternatives to War Within Medicine: From Conscientious Objection to Nonviolent Conflict About Contested Medical Practices.Abraham M. Nussbaum - 2019 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 62 (3):434-451.
    Martial metaphors shape the practice of medicine. Bioethicists who disagree participate in culture wars; public health officials who advocate declare wars on cancer and drugs; surgeons who operate map theaters and fields; physicians who enter graduate training become housestaff officers; nurses who act clinically follow doctor's orders; patients who become ill wage battles against disease. But when we figure medicine as warfare, clinicians become either dutiful combatants or conscientious objectors. Clinicians who serve the mission of medicine are described as loyal, (...)
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    Health Equity Is No Spectator Sport: The Radical Rooting of a Post-Pandemic Bioethics.Abraham M. Nussbaum & Matthew Allen - 2022 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 65 (4):586-595.
    ABSTRACT:The relationship between equality and equity has been theorized and described in many ways. Recently, this relationship has been popularly illustrated via a meme depicting three people watching a baseball game while standing on boxes. The meme's analogy, that achieving health equity is the ability to view a spectator sport, is a neoliberal account of health. The analogy defines equality at the expense of equity, characterizes health as individualistic, describes health equity as a static outcome, and implies that the bioethical (...)
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    “I am the Author and Must Take Full Responsibility”: Abraham Verghese, Physicians as the Storytellers of the Body, and the Renewal of Medicine.Abraham M. Nussbaum - 2016 - Journal of Medical Humanities 37 (4):389-399.
    Abraham Verghese proposes to renew medicine by training physicians to read the right texts—literary fiction and patients' bodies—with skilled attention. Analyzing Verghese's proposal with reference to Foucault's idea of the "clinical gaze," I find that Verghese conceives of patients as texts that only physicians can read, meaning that physicians become the storytellers of the bodies, lives, and deaths of the people they meet as patients. I conclude that Verghese's project is unsustainable and alternatively propose thinking analogically of physicians as ship (...)
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    Trains Departing from Different Stations: Being Mortal and Dying in the 21st Century.Abraham M. Nussbaum - 2016 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 59 (3):425-436.
    Every July, when new resident physicians arrive at our teaching hospital, a colleague reminds them that “You now work in the train station of the gods. People coming and going all the time. You’ll need to ask spiritual questions.” He can offer this counsel annually because—whether it arrives early, as expected, or in error—every one of us is awaiting her departing train. Every few years, an experienced physician-writer offers counsel on what it means to work in these train stations, to (...)
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